Setting up Synkro as a marketplace store

Synkro provides an A-Z solution for importing products into your marketplace store and keeping your imported products in sync with the supplier’s product and inventory changes in real time.

Last updated
January 7, 2025

Setting up Synkro as a marketplace store


Synkro provides an A-Z solution for importing products into your marketplace store and keeping your imported products in sync with the supplier’s product and inventory changes in real time. When you receive an order for an product imported from a supplier, Synkro will automatically dispatch an order to the appropriate supplier’s Shopify store for completely automated fulfillment.

Step 1: Install Synkro in your marketplace store

To begin the installation process, install Synkro in your marketplace Shopify store.

A. Search for "Synkro" within your Shopify Admin search bar and select "Search for Synkro in the Shopify App Store"
B. In the search results, select the Synkro app
C. Click "Install" from within the Synkro app listing
D. Click "Install app" on the installation prompt from within your Shopify Admin panel

Step 2: Connect to your first supplier store

After completing the Synkro app installation, you will be greeted with a display prompting you to create a Synkro account, or connect to a dropship supplier via a code. To continue, send the Marketplace supplier store setup instructions to a Shopify-powered supplier store and have them provide you with their “Product import connect code”

Once you have received the code from the supplier store, enter it into the Synkro app, enter it into the "Product import connect code" box under the "I want to dropship products from another store” heading and then click the button “Connect to dropship source" to connect to your first supplier store.

Enter Product import connect code and the click "Connect to dropship source"

Step 3: Manage connected suppliers

In order to connect with additional suppliers or to manage existing suppliers, simply navigate within the Synkro app by clicking “Product import”, then click on “Manage import sources” within the dropdown menu which appears.

Navigate to add and manage connected supplier stores

Connecting a new supplier store

Once you are in the Product import source management panel, you can connect to new supplier stores by entering their “Product import connect code” in the input field under the heading “Connect to a new product import source”, then click “Connect”.

Enter code for new supplier, then click "Connect"

Removing a supplier store

Before you can remove a supplier store from your marketplace, you must first delete all of the products which you’ve imported from them. Once you’ve deleted their products, you can remove the supplier by clicking the “Remove” button under their section within your “Manage product import sources” page.

Remove a supplier from your marketplace

Step 4: Importing products from a supplier

Once you’ve connected to a supplier store, you can import products from their store directly into your Shopify store. To get started, navigate to the product importing tool within the Synkro app by clicking “Product import”, then click on the “Import new products” button in the dropdown menu which appears.

No products available?

If you are attempting to import products from a supplier store and are seeing a the following warning: “No products available for importing in”, then there are two possible explanations:

  1. You have already imported all available products from the supplier
  2. The supplier has not enabled importing for any products in their store

If the supplier does not have any products with importing enabled in their store, then they should follow the instructions to Enable importing for their products

Searching for products

Once some products have been enabled for import by the supplier, you will be able to search for them from within the product import tool. Be sure to click the “More filters” button to tweak the search results and change the marketplace store which you are searching.


Once you have found some products to import, you can click on the “Import” button or select multiple to import products in bulk. The products will be created in your store as a “draft” to ensure ample time to make any changes to the product before switching it to “active” and start selling it in your online store.

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