API Overview

The Synkro API empowers you to seamlessly integrate with Synkro, enabling direct management of your Shopify inventory from your own system.

Last updated
December 10, 2024


All requests made to the Synkro API require a valid Synkro access token. To obtain a Synkro access token, please contact our customer support team and we will gladly generate one for you.

Include your token as a X-Synkro-Access-Token header on all API queries.

Endpoints and requests

All Synkro API requests are scoped to the store associated with the provided access token, with the route determining the specific query or action to be performed. API endpoints follow this pattern, where store_name refers to the store's store_name.myshopify.com url:


The store associated with the provided store_name can be any store which is connected to the same Synkro user account as the store associated with the provided API access token. Attempts to access a different store will result in an unauthorized API response.

Rate limits

The Synkro API supports a limit of 5 requests per second. Beyond this limit, the API will return a 429 Too Many Requests error. If you encounter such an error, sleep your application process for a second before resuming your requests.

Status and error codes

All Synkro API queries return HTTP status codes that can tell you more about the response.

401 Unauthorized

The provided API access token does not have permission to access the store associated with the request.

403 Forbidden

The server is refusing to repond. This is typically caused by an invalid or missing API access token.

404 Not Found

The requested resource was not found.

429 Too Many Requests

The API rate limit has been exceeded. See Rate limits.

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